Cancer eBook - How To Stop Your Metastasized Cancer

The solution below solved many people's cancer problems and odds are it will give you a good chance to solve your cancer problem also.

Should you choose to take the short journey below, you will discover why so many people are so thankful that they did.

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But before we go any further. Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Norbert Simonis

And, this is really a very typical story, but I need to make you aware of my background and how I arrived here. Like so many people who started smoking as young men at just 14 years of age, me and my friend did the same!

When I was in my twenties, I watched my friend's mother die a slow, increasingly agonizing and painful death from her breast cancer that had metastasized. The medical establishment tried, but nothing the doctors had to offer could stop the metastasized cancer from taking over her entire body. She did what research she could for terms like; how to get rid of cancer naturally, holistic treatments and cures for metastasized cancer, and alternative cancer treatments that work.

But you have to understand, this was in 2002 and the internet was not really as informative as today. So just about all her research had to be done at our local library.

Sadly, I had to watch her die a slow agonizing death. The last 6 weeks of her life were spent in a hospice bed where she was reduced to welcoming death, which would finally once and for all, ease the excruciating pain that she was in.

His father also had a real scare with a cancerous left kidney. His cancer hadn’t metastasized so his Doctors removed the cancerous kidney and he has been fine ever since. Then a day that I hoped would never come for my friend…..well it came! During his routine annual physical, the typical blood test and chest x-ray were done with the understanding that my friends' labs would be tested and the x-ray read by a radiologist and that the results would then be passed on to him as is normal with his annual physical. A few days later his doctor's office called and informed him that his chest X-ray was abnormal and that the radiologist saw something suspicious. His doctor Knowing his family history and that he was a smoker, he was immediately scheduled for a CAT scan with contrast!

He was terrified and petrified knowing he might have LUNG CANCER. Worse yet, he just knew that with his luck it had probably already metastasized and he was destined to die in a hospice bed much as his mother had before him.

Was he scared? You bet! He was a useless wreck! I and I had seen the devastation that cancer causes 1st hand. He was so sure that he was a dead man walking that he almost didn’t go for the CAT scan?

Instead, he chose to spend time Googling search terms like; how to cure stage 4 cancer naturally, natural lung cancer cures, natural treatment for lung cancer, natural cure for lung cancer, natural remedies for lung cancer, and a whole bunch more.

His girlfriend saw him doing these online searches, so she begged and pleaded with him to go. He finally overcame his fear, came to his senses and so he did go for his CAT scan.

Was he scared? You bet! He was a useless wreck!

The results came back a few days later but did we get peace of mind….nope!. What we got was “There is a tumor on your right lung so let us schedule you for additional testing to determine the stage.

He said to his girlfriend……”cancer” they either had to be joking or this was bordering on medical malpractice. He refused to accept the diagnosis or to agree to additional testing.

He just had visions of what his mother endured etched in his mind and he was hell-bent on not being subjected to all that she had had to endure.

His Girlfriend pleaded with him to do additional testing but in his terrified state, He already knew it was cancer, and worse yet, it was probably on the verge of metastasizing if it had not already metastasized. So, as far as he was concerned, he knew he probably only had 6-18 good months left to live. And he was not about to spend them being poisoned with chemo drugs or being violently sick from radiation or any other experimental treatment.

He was scared out of his wits but he was absolutely determined not to have his Girlfriend watch him die a painful and agonizing death from lung cancer if there was anything at all that he could do about it.

He knew he needed a real and effective alternative lung cancer treatment that would save his life!

He had no idea where to find an effective lung cancer alternative treatment plan or where to find guidance on how to cure lung cancer naturally – but he knew what the answer wasn’t.

It wasn’t going to be snake oil, elephant tusks, shark cartilage, or any of the million & 1 natural or alternative lung cancer treatments that can be found with a quick Google search.

It also surely wasn’t going to be that secret miracle lung cancer natural cure that was saving people all over the world but was being suppressed and withheld in the USA by the demonic forces of evil within the pharmaceutical industry.

And it probably was not going to be an offshore clinic in some unfamiliar & strange third-world country, touting their ability to “cure lung cancer naturally” even if you could afford to pay for it!

He said:

If those were my only options, then let me just get my affairs in order and make sure that I have a really pretty dress for my Girlfriend to bury me in! The survival rate for metastasized cancer of any origin over 5 or more years is really depressingly low, because current medical science just doesn’t have anything to cure metastasized cancer or solve a metastasized lung cancer problem.

Current cancer treatment protocols do a great job of dealing with localized cancer, and they really are developing some very exciting new cancer treatment protocols. But the unfortunate reality still remains, that if your cancer has metastasized it’s still pretty much “game over!”

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