Your eBOOK "My Friend" Overcome depression faster. Learn to help yourself and others PROPERLY.

Overcome depression faster. Learn to help yourself and others PROPERLY.

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A pronounced depression is awful, but it will pass. The RIGHT self-help is a very important factor, unfortunately this is largely unknown.

I will convey to you what has proven itself after 23 years of experience. In one book especially for you as a sufferer from depression, and in another especially for you as a relative or friend.

What is the problem?

I've learned over the years that depression usually takes a milder course and disappears much more quickly when the person concerned does the right self-help and gets the right support from their relatives.

This positive effect is unfortunately extremely underestimated in general. People often avoid the topic of depression and cannot deal with it. It's still largely a taboo subject, basically unchanged since the Middle Ages.

Intuitively, therefore, help and self-help are usually done completely wrong, and the healing process is delayed instead of accelerated. For example sufferers often don't want to accept depression as an illness and continue to force themselves to do work or private tasks that they simply cannot do at the moment because of their illness. They then fail again and again, and that pulls them more and more into the abyss. And relatives see e.g. depression rarely as an illness, but rather as a kind of weakness that the sufferer must overcome by "pulling together".

Good medical treatment and, if necessary, psychotherapy is also very important. But even in wealthy countries like Germany or the United States, 60 to 70% of patients wait longer than 3 weeks for their first appointment with a psychiatrist. It often takes far too long before you can even receive medical care from a specialist.

Until then there is "only" self-help and help from relatives and friends. Unfortunately, according to my research over the years, there is hardly any helpful information on the Internet or in books. I've read more than 20 self-help guides for depression, according to the blurb. Only one of them was usable, also written by a former sufferer. Most of the books are far too broad, the essential is missing or is reduced to 2 or 3 pages. It also sometimes contains incorrect information that clearly contradicts my own experience with the disease as a sufferer and helper.

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